Happy Birthday Dr. Jane!

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We celebrated Dr. Jane Goodall’s 90th birthday with a ,meadow naming celebration on Buda Sas-hegy Nature Reserve. The world-renowned primate researcher is celebrating his 90th birthday today, on the occasion of which we, together with the Jane Goodall Institute, Sas-hegy … Read More

Raptors Photographic exhibition

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On the 14th of October, the Photographic Exhibition on diurnal birds of prey was inaugurated at the visitor centre of the Ca’ Carnè Refuge, promoted by the Life4Oak Forests project.  25 extraordinary images were taken by naturalist and professional photographers … Read More

Sky of leaves on the roof

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On 14 October 2023, the Life4Oak Forests Forum “E Per Tetto un Cielo di Foglie” was held at the Ca’ Carné visitor centre in the Parco regionale della Vena del Gesso Romagnola. The day’s programme was packed with events. In … Read More

We planted 100,000 seedlings

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DINPI Péter Koncz/Péter Szekeres Another milestone has been reached in increasing the diversity of forests in the project areas of the Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate near Fóti-Somlyó and Esztergom. After the gradual suppression of non-native trees (e.g. black locust, common … Read More

Freed oak giants

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DINPI Péter Koncz/Péter Szekeres Oak giants are hundreds of years old, large trees with a sprawling canopy that maintain an extremely rich community of life, and which are very rare in our forests. The 150-250-year-old oak trees in the project … Read More

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