MAR first survey of old-growth forests in habitat 91AA*, Dobrogea, Romania

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In the last week of September 2019 Serena Petroncini and Massimiliano Costa (MAR) were invited at the  6th International Symposium “Conservation of Natural and Landscape Heritage – premise of the sustainable development” at ICEM Cosiliul Judetean, Institutul de cercetari ECO-MUZEALE „Gravila Simion” in Tulcea, Romania to present LIFE4OAKFORESTS. During this journey MAR jointly with Mr. M. Petrescu Phytosociologist of ICEM, went in excursions to Babadag Plateau-Codru included in the Podisul Nord Dobrogean site of Community importance and to Muntii Măcinului National Park. The aim was to find old-growth forests for a first survey  in habitat 91AA*-white oak forests, dominated by Downey oak. The forests presented important and interesting features related to old-growth forests (abundant lying deadwood, stumps, snags and woody debris, gaps and regenaration and a strong dymanis of the forests) both in Babadag Plateau and in Macin Mountain. However the type and edaphic conditions of the forests were very different to eachother. The excursion has been interesting and challenging and very good contacts has been established with ICEM.