The 6th of September 2022 Life4oakforests LIFE16NAT/IT/000245 met a delegation of 13 Swedish colleagues from the European project LIFE BRIDGING THE GAP LIFE15NAT/SE/000772 in the Parco Regionale della Vena del Gesso Romagnola
The meeting of the two projects is linked to action E1.5 Networking between Life projects, where conservation actions and related experiences are compared in order to be shared.
LIFE BRIDGING THE GAP LIFE15NAT/SE/000772, as LIFE4oakForests did and concluded conservation actions in several Natura 2000 sites in order to increase the presence of hermit beetle, flying deer and oak cerambix. It has also carried out actions to restore oak habitats by creating microhabitats on decaying wood.
The discussion day took place with an excursion to the Life Carnè-Rontana project area, in particular to the areas where the Life4oakForests conservation forestry actions are being carried out, aimed at increasing the presence of lying and standing dead wood and creating microhabitats. The logpyramid sites where the larvae of stag beetle were inoculated, and the areas where wood mould bosxes for the hermit beetle are present were visited.
The comparison between the two projects was very positive and it was possible to share similar actions and experiences in two different European countries: Italy and Sweden.