Volunteer days in Fóti-Somlyó

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With the help of volunteers and students we carried out forest reconstruction work in the Fóti-Somlyó Nature Reserve on 8-9 November 2019. We applied different treatments In the mixed forest-grassland habitat to restore the former Pannonian woods with Quercus pubescens and to protect valuable open rocky grasslands. The “LIFE4OakForests” project supports the reconstruction work of the forests while “Conservation of dry grasslands” LIFE project enhance the restoration of grassland patches. The volunteers and students planted 350 Quercus pubescens seedlings in an area which used to be invaded with Robonia pseudovina and Ailanthus altissima trees. In addition, they assisted in the placement of 20 bird lairs. The tools and meal for the children was provided by the Shannon Engine Support Hungary Ltd.
One of the main goals of the LIFE4OakForests is to restore all those micro-habitats in the forests (e.g. breeding and nesting places, moss layer, cavities in the oak tress etc.) which have been significantly reduced due to the long-term intensive forest management and land use. In many places, such as the recently restored one, first the oak trees must be re-established. In the previous year we started the replacement of Robonia pseudovina and Celtis occidentalis in another area with oaks (with acorns) and other mixed species. It is important to restore oak forest, because these provide higher biodiversity compared to forest consisted of invasive species.