Tree marking in BNPD’s project areas

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Marking of different interventions in the BNPD’s project areas are ongoing. There have been some minor interruptions, such as running out of paint or shortage of personnel and of course the rainy weather. Of these factors, weather is the one that most influences the job, because in the rain, marking work must be suspended. We also tried to mark the interventions in the rain, but subsequent checks revealed that it was redundant because it had to be repainted again. There are two types of markings in the project areas. There are 40×40 m grids of monitoring points, which are 90% complete. Within this there are bird monitoring points and there are areas where we have already begun to paint the interventions (e.g. Fallóskút, Kerecsend, Bükkzsérc). The design of the marks are very diverse (there are selected potential standing and lying dead trees, sickened and truncated specimens and all other markings), so in the future, the working brigades will need to be closely monitored and controlled to avoid unnecessarily damaging of any wood specimen, which is unselected, so we, foresters are involved in the interventions as an active worker and as a supervisor. Precise and responsible work and of course, safety at work is very important and should never be taken easy in the forest work. In our capacity we strive to achieve the best results and to participate adequately in this great teamwork, because everything here is built on each other, so to speak, a brick in the wall of the castle we want to build.

Gergő Zagyva