A chat with members of the “Sas-hegy Conservation Association”

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Just before the Earth Day we met with the enthusiastic members of the Association in the Visitor Centre of Sas-hegy (Budapest) to demonstrate them our planned activities. The Association plays a key role in the protection of the natural and cultural value of the Sas-hegy (hill), thus it was a great occasion to share our ideas. At the beginning Peter Koncz – partner coordinator at the Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate, DINPD -, outlined the goals and activities of the LIFE4OakForests project.

After the general introduction Peter emphasized that the Sas-hegy is a special site among the project sites because it is surrounded by a densely populated city, yet it still preserves high nature conservational values. Thus, besides the oak forest restoration activities in the southern hillslope it is also important that the DINPD will create recreational areas and perform educational activities on site. In this spirit a “Park Forest” will be established and co-designed with local NGO’s. According to the preliminary plans benches, tables will be erected and a nature trail will be created in the Park Forest.

After the brief presentation we had a discussion. The Association appreciated their involvement in the first steps of the planning. The members expressed that they welcome any news about the project and assured us of their cooperation.

Following the discussion we had a nice walk in the sunshine on the trails of Sas-hegy.