Species and habitat description

The metallic wood-boring beetle species lives in the glades of oak forests. The larvae are developing in thick, drying branches of the trees during 2-3 years. The adults fly in May and June in forest edges, forest clearings. Males are most commonly found in yellow Asterales, whereas females can be seldom found on flowers. The species in Hungary can be found in termophilous oak forests but the species is not common. (Csóka and Kovács 1999).

Major threats

The homogenization of forests, forests without glades, gaps reduce the distribution of the species. In addition, the lack of dead, decaying trees, where the larvae of the species develop, is a threatening factor.

Specific conservation action

Tölgyesekben történő lékek, kisebb tisztások képzésével hozzájárulhatunk a faj fennmaradásához. Ilyen kezelések a nagyoroszi és az Esztergom projekt területeken is elvégzünk. Fontos továbbá a korhadó, száradó holtfa képzés is.
We can contribute to the survival of the species by the creation of glades and gaps in oak forests. These kind of treatments are also carried out in the project areas of Nagyoroszi and Esztergom. In addition, it is important to create decaying, drying deadwood as well.

Related project areas

Csóka, György and Kovács, Tibor (1999): Xilofág rovarok – Xylophagous insects. Hungarian Forest Research Institute. Erdészeti Turományos Intézet, Agroinform Kiadó, Budapest, 189 pp.