Inspection of Life 4Oak Forests by the monitoring expert, Italy

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On 20 and 21 June 2023, the Monitor expert Mr. Alberto Cozzi visited MAR and the Life Carnè-Rontana project area, in Italy.

On the first day, in the Council Hall of the Municipality of Riolo Terme (RA) at the MAR headquarters, an online meeting was held involving the beneficiary Coordinator (MAR), the beneficiary Partners (BNPD, DNPD, BfNPD, ÖK, WWF, ETTE), Fencon and the Monitor expert to verify and discuss the activities and actions carried out in the Life4Oak Forests project.

The second day was dedicated to a field inspection. The conservation forestry interventions and the chemical intervention on invasive alien species, such as Ailanthus altissima and Robinia pseudocacia, done by MAR in the Life Carnè-Rontana project area, were evaluated and inspected. The birdwatching hut and the Nature Trail were also visited. Finally, both the logpyramids built for the repopulation of Lucanus cervus and the wood mould boxes of Osmoderma eremita were shown.

The inspection took place with great interest and involvement of all participants.

Short video about the inspection