Just naturally – field trip on Fóti-Somlyó

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Today, our oak forests have become unified aged and have a homogeneous structure as a result of cutting forestry technology- they lack diversity – and it follows from this, the members of the fauna cannot find a suitable habitat in them either. Although these forests may seem tidy to the naked eye, the natural, healthy forest is not so “extinct”: young, old, bent, and even dead trees, many shrubs, inverted root plates, a combination of nests and puddles make up an environment that provides shelter for many, special and valuable animal and plant species. The LIFE4OakForests project, which runs from 2017 to 2026, in which WWF Hungary participates together with Hungarian and Italian national parks, non-governmental organizations and research institutes, is working to make our oak forests more natural and full of life. The project is supported by the European Union and co-financed by the Ministry of Agriculture. Please welcome our vlog from the field trip.